CIPS Announce New Syllabus

CIPS is currently reviewing its professional qualifications, from Certificate through to Professional Diploma. This review aims to ensure that our qualifications remain relevant and address the future needs of global organisations and the procurement profession.

What does this mean for you?

Firstly, there will be no immediate changes to your current study plan. Therefore, you should continue your studies as usual. Rest assured, all your achievements will stay valid and will be transferred smoothly when the qualifications have had their review and are updated.

CIPS review

Stay informed

To stay updated on the progress of CIPS, please make sure your contact details are current in your MyCIPS account. Consequently, we will send you timely updates about the review. In addition, if you have any questions or need further information about your studies, please contact Aspire here. We receive regular updates on the review and are here to assist you.

Thank you for your attention. Moreover, we appreciate your continued commitment to your professional development!
